четверг, 16 января 2020 г.


In other words, by next week, I fully expect to have forgotten practically everything about this book, with the exception of two things that really irked stuck out to me: Do you see what I see? Stop by and meet Vi in her private reader group on Facebook! I really was confused by it, and even questioned if he would end up choosing the OW at one point. Take that shit up a few inches before you go in the locker room to flirt with Easton. Shit he was dangling in the wind. The OW has major regrets when it comes to Brody, and she still loves him. vi keeland the baller

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Was 4 for me too I really liked it but something was missing I dunno what but felt like something else should have been in there loved the epilogue though lol.

I got the intent- I understood the whys and need for something like it to address both characters issues with mentally being free to love again. Hell, I was all about some Easton while reading.

vi keeland the baller

The one thing that took some of the story's impact was how he dealt with his ex. Books by Vi Keeland. I was saying "Yuck" all the time. Especially if there's a woman between him and the wall. Honestly, I did not expect all that to happen. His match in this story is Delilah Maddox, a sportscaster with heritage in the game. Love, love love Brody!

Book Review - The Baller by Vi Keeland - Maryse's Book Blog

I think Brody will be a big hit with some readers though if you like the arrogant crude type heroes. He was dangling in the wind. It goes without saying it was a very entertaining read and like I mentioned above I had a very hard time putting it down. But her ex died years ago.

She keelajd a stranger to the game.

vi keeland the baller

I hated how everything turned out in the second half of the bookmainly because of the unexpected random POV of that certain character. His relationship with Delilah was lovely and he was simply wonderful with her.

Not even all the problems and losses that happened trough the story made me change my mind: Keelwnd brought more depth to the plot and were critical to the story, as opposed to, the extra happening on the side!

He gets who he wants and does what he wants where he wants. Yep, I see a lot of Brody.

Would I read future books by this author: Delilah ends us spending a lot of time with Brody because of the football season and her career but the time she spent with him made her liked him not just as a player but as a person. Thank you to the author for sending me a review copy!! The witty and humorous banter between them was adorable.

When she meets Brody Easton, a famous quarterback, one of the most media fallowed athlete she is taken aback not only by his good looks, but also but his charm and colorful personality.

Book Review – The Baller by Vi Keeland

It just wasn't jelling for me. Ballfr was a hoot!! It also had a cover that pert near guar-an-teed an education regarding the ins and outs hehehehe of the NFL and since fo Find all of my reviews at: This review is mostly a dedication to Brody. He more than likes her and he wants to have her no matter what.

The Baller

It made me hurt. I mean, I want to know how they feel when they are intimate. But something is missing. My fingers brushed over each letter in the dark. It was a fun transition to watch! Open Preview See a Problem?

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