пятница, 10 января 2020 г.


Immediately prior to their competition, each participant was directed to the designated start location and given a clipboard. If participants located facilities within the confines of Breezy Point Resort within the past six months prior to the event, they were ineligible to compete. Each competitor had up to 12 minutes to perform the following: Participants began with 1, points. For the complete set of rules and regulations for the event, click here. mnops

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For the complete set of rules and regulations for the event, click here. Penalty for breaking this rule was disqualification.

The top three finishers received awards and recognition. The chips or flags could be moved as many times as necessary, however, there was a penalty for each movement after the initial placement. Locate the target utility by placing a chip or flag where they believe the utility crosses the locate wheel. Wednesday, 27 June Competitors were not allowed within the locate wheel area prior to setup nor prior to competing.

If participants located facilities within the confines of Breezy Point Resort within the past six months prior to the event, they were ineligible to compete.

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Overall, the MN Utility Mnopw Rodeo was a great opportunity for attendees to showcase their talents in the art and science of locating. The MN Utility Locate Rodeo recognizes the profession of underground utility locating, a vital aspect of the damage prevention industry. Each competitor had up to 12 minutes to perform the following: Hook up their locating equipment.


Event judges deducted points based on inaccuracy or flawed performance. Take a moment to acknowledge the locators you know and tell them how much you appreciate the difficult, challenging, and sometimes dangerous work they do to protect our underground utilities!

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A competitor could observe other competitors only after they had already competed. Participants began with 1, points.

Only utility locating technicians employed by a utility, contract locating, or private company, municipality, mnosp other local government units were eligible to compete. If the above steps were not completed within 12 minutes, the result was elimination. No communication, vocal, silent or otherwise, could be made to the competitor in the locate wheel area.


Mnopa had the opportunity to test their craft, skills, and knowledge of utility locating in a friendly competition against their peers. Each competitor had up to 12 minutes to perform the following:.

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Immediately prior to their competition, each participant was directed to the designated start location and given a clipboard. In total, there were 12 participants. Restore the locate wheel area mnlps its original condition before returning to the start location. The top finishers were: Find an access point.

View the map on the back of the clipboard.

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